Friday, December 5, 2008

Our new book is published!!

Okay, I'm pretty excited about this. We launched our new book after 8 years of study on greatness. The reviews are just coming out and everyone loves the book. Not that I live by reviews, but it's good to hear. What is also happening is that people are talking about the book. It strikes a chord in them. They challenge themselves to develop and are heartened to read about others who have also struggled with unleashing their greatness.

What is also gratifying is that the academic community and psychology community are looking seriously at the book. A review is forthcoming on positive psychology news daily and they found the research and studies we cite to be compelling as well as readable.

More than anything I am excited about the dialogue. Focusing on greatness and how to develop it in ourselves and others creates a totally different dynamic for academic, corporate, religious and political groups. Greatness shifts our focus to possibilities we had neither previously considered, nor thought possible.

If we move the global dialogue just slightly toward unleashing the capacity for greatness in all people the impact will be enormous. Now is a perfect opportunity to begin the dialogue. That's why I'm so excited about the book.

Our New BookPathways To Greatness: 77 Inspirational Essays from The Greatness Project is published. Go to to order a copy today!